Apparance Operators
This section is a catalogue of all Operator types currently available for you construct your procedures from. These are all built into Apparance engine and provide a range of functions for building geometry, manipulating spaces, performing calculations, manipulating text, and much more.
Bitwise: NOT • AND • OR • XOR • ShiftLeft • >> • Bit Set? • Bit Clear?
Colour: Blend • Hue • Pack • UnPack • Set Alpha • Get Alpha
Constants: Constant
Construction: Stacker.Splitter • Stacker.Merger • Stacker.MergerL • Stacker.MergerI • Stacker.Options
Control: Equal • NotEqual • LessThan • LessThanOrEqual • GreaterThan • GreaterThanOrEqual • Compare • If • Equal
Conversion: Convert
Data: OpenFile • Length • ReadInt • ReadFloat • ReadFloats • ReadFixedString • ReadXYZ • ReadXY • ReadListXYZ • ReadListXY
File: Read • Write • Exists? • Time • Copy • Temp File • Temp Directory • Project Directory • Down • Up • Make Directory • List Directory
Frame: Unit Corner • Unit Centre • Unit Face • Empty • Null • Split • Shrink • Extend • Turn • Resize • Offset • Rotate • Scale • Translate • Dimensions • Size • Reorient • Diagonal • FrameToWorldV • WorldToFrameV • Place Pivot • Intersects? • Get Axes • Set Axes • Grid • Turn+ • Offset+ • Resize+ • Cull+ • Mask+ • Path To Frame • Warp+
Geometry: Length
Image: Image • Picture • Clear • Dimensions • Info • Blob • Noise • Copy • Line • Rectangle • Ellipse • Polygon • Sample • Brightness • Contrast • Blur • Clamp • Range • Dilate • Erode • Invert • Mirror • Quantize • Sharpen • Shift • Swap • Randomize • Composite • Colourise • Combine • Region
Integrity: Valid? • True? • False? • True? • Log!
List: Count • Append • Insert • Get • Set • Concatenate • Reverse
Logic: And • Not • Or
Maths: Add • Div • Ln • Log10 • Log2 • Log • Power10 • Power2 • PowerN • Power • Sqrt • Square • Multiply • Subtract • NormaliseV3 • Modf • ModI • FracF • FloorF • CeilingF
Modelling: Merge • Colour • Material • Colour Map • Blend Normals • Translate • Rotate • Scale • Move • Copy • Invert • Hide • Taper • Noise Distort • Noise Sample • Noise Extents • Noise Stitch • Spherize • Height Map • Set UV • UV Scale • UV Translate • UV Frame
Numerical: Abs • Min • Max • Min • Max • Clamp • Spread • Merge Ranges • Random • Twist
Primitives: • Cylinder • Grid • Sheet • Colour Sheet • Colour Triangle • Heightmap • Sphere • Polygon • Extrude • Loft
Resource: Resolve • Resolve+ • Place • Place+ • Make Texture
Shapes: Line • Arc • Ellipse • Rectangle • Curve • Filter
Text: Convert • Uppercase • Lowercase • Concatenate • Concatenate Lines • Length • Is Empty • At • Split • Find First • Find Last • Replace • If Empty
Trigonometry: Pi • Tau • RadToDeg • DegToRad • Sin • Cos • Tan • ArcSin • ArcCos • ArcTan • ArcTan2 • DistanceV3 • RotateV3
Bitwise integer Exclusive-OR |
ShiftLeft |
Shift left (toward MSB) by a number of bit positions, zeros shifted in on right (LSB) |
>> |
Shift right (toward LSB) by a number of bit positions, zeros shifted in on left (MSB) |
Bit Set? |
Test to see if a particular bit is set (1) |
Bit Clear? |
Test to see if a particular bit is clear (0) |
Blend |
Blends two colours together |
Hue |
Generates a pure colour with a given hue |
Pack |
Packs a full precision colour into 32 bits |
UnPack |
Unpacks a 32 bit colour into a full precision colour |
Set Alpha |
Sets the alpha value of a colour |
Get Alpha |
Gets the alpha value of a colour |
Constant |
A shared constant value |
Constant |
A shared constant value |
Constant |
A shared constant value |
Constant |
A shared constant value |
Constant |
A shared constant value |
Constant |
A shared constant value |
Stacker.Splitter |
General stacking/packing utility. Recursively split up space to contain a repeat series of objects with optional start/end caps, all separated with spacers. |
- ►Frame
- ►Select
- ►Axis
- ►Object Size
- ►Spacer Size
- ►Lower Cap Size
- ►Upper Cap Size
- ►Start Index
- ►Total Objects
- Control►
- Lower Frame►
- Lower Select►
- Upper Frame►
- Upper Select►
- Lower Cap►
- Spacer►
- Object►
- Upper Cap►
- Lower Index►
- Upper Index►
- Total Objects►
- Object Index►
Stacker.Merger |
Combine required elements from stacking process. |
- ►Control
- ►Lower Recurse
- ►Upper Recurse
- ►Lower Cap
- ►Spacer
- ►Object
- ►Upper Cap
Stacker.MergerL |
Combine specific lists of items from stacking process into single list of items (currently only singly typed lists). |
- ►Control
- ►Lower Recurse
- ►Upper Recurse
- ►Lower Cap
- ►Spacer
- ►Object
- ►Upper Cap
Stacker.MergerI |
Combine specific values from stacking process into single value. |
- ►Control
- ►Mode
- ►Lower Recurse
- ►Upper Recurse
- ►Lower Cap
- ►Spacer
- ►Object
- ►Upper Cap
Stacker.Options |
Helper to generate selection inputs to a stacker based object. |
- ►Lower Cap?
- ►Lower Spacer?
- ►Object Spacers?
- ►Upper Spacer?
- ►Upper Cap?
Equal |
Test if two values are equal |
Equal |
Test if two values are equal |
Equal |
Test if two values are equal |
NotEqual |
Test if two values are not equal |
NotEqual |
Test if two values are not equal |
NotEqual |
Test if two values are not equal |
LessThan |
Test if a value is less than another |
LessThan |
Test if a value is less than another |
LessThanOrEqual |
Test if a value is less than, or equal to, another |
LessThanOrEqual |
Test if a value is less than, or equal to, another |
GreaterThan |
Test if a value is greater than another |
GreaterThan |
Test if a value is greater than another |
GreaterThanOrEqual |
Test if a value is greater than, or equal to, another |
GreaterThanOrEqual |
Test if a value is greater than, or equal to, another |
Compare |
General comparison of two values |
- A==B►
- A!=B►
- A>B►
- A>=B►
- A►
- A<=B►
Compare |
General comparison of two values |
- A==B►
- A!=B►
- A>B►
- A>=B►
- A►
- A<=B►
If |
Choose one of two values |
If |
Choose one of two values |
If |
Choose one of two bits of geometry |
If |
Choose one of two colours |
If |
Choose one of two vectors |
If |
Choose one of two frames |
If |
Choose one of two strings |
If |
Choose one of two boolean values |
If |
Choose one of two lists |
Equal |
Compares two strings to see if they are equal |
Convert |
Composes four floats into a FColour |
Convert |
Decomposes a FColour into four floats |
Convert |
Convert a float to an integer (truncates fractional part) |
Convert |
Convert an integer to a floating point value |
Convert |
Convert a boolean flag to useful integer value, 0 for false, 1 for true. |
Convert |
Convert a boolean flag to useful floating point value, 0.0 for false, 1.0 for true |
Convert |
Composes three floats into a Vector3 |
Convert |
Decomposes a Vector3 into three floats |
OpenFile |
Sets a file as a data source for subsequent reads |
Length |
Obtain length of currently open data file |
ReadInt |
Reads an integer value from somewhere in the data source (four bytes) |
ReadFloat |
Reads a float value from somewhere in the data source (four bytes) |
ReadFloats |
Reads a list of floats from somewhere in the data source (four bytes each) |
ReadFixedString |
Reads a string from a fixed length block of data from somewhere in the data source |
- ►Slot
- ►Offset
- ►Count
- ►Encoding
ReadXYZ |
Reads three floats from somewhere in the data source (3 x four bytes) |
ReadXY |
Reads two floats from somewhere in the data source (2 x four bytes) |
ReadListXYZ |
Reads a list of float triplets from somewhere in the data source (3 x four bytes each) |
ReadListXY |
Reads a list of float pairs from somewhere in the data source (2 x four bytes each) |
Read |
Reads a text file into a string of lines |
- Success►
- Text►
- Chars►
- Lines►
Write |
Writes a text file from a string of lines |
Exists? |
Does a file or directory exist on disk? |
Time |
Obtain timestamp information about a file |
- Success►
- Create►
- Modify►
- Access►
Copy |
Copy a file from one location to another |
Temp File |
Generate path and filename for temporary storage of data |
Temp Directory |
Obtain directory for temporary storage of data |
Project Directory |
Obtain project directory path |
Down |
Move a path to a sub-directory |
Up |
Move a path to its parent directory |
Make Directory |
Ensure a directory exists on disk |
List Directory |
Search a directory for files matching the given pattern |
- ►Directory
- ►Filter
- ►Flags
Unit Corner |
A new unit frame with lower corner on the origin (three sides aligned with origin) |
Unit Centre |
A new unit frame centred on the origin (no sides aligned with origin) |
Unit Face |
A new unit frame with underneath face centred on the origin (one side aligned with origin) |
Empty |
A new frame with zero size at the origin |
Null |
A new frame with invalid state used to represent the absense of a frame, e.g. for clearing inputs that are optional |
Split |
Split a frame into two |
- ►Frame
- ►Amount
- ►Units
- ►Axis
- ►Invert
Shrink |
Shrink a frame to a new size |
- ►Frame
- ►Amount
- ►Units
- ►Axis
- ►Invert
Extend |
Create extensions from the sides of a frame |
- ►Frame
- ►Amount
- ►Units
- ►Axis
Turn |
Turn the frame relative to a corner, edge, face, or centre |
- ►In
- ►Amount
- ►Axis
- ►Relative X
- ►Relative Y
- ►Relative Z
Resize |
Resize the frame relative to a corner, edge, face, or centre |
- ►In
- ►Amount
- ►Units X
- ►Units Y
- ►Units Z
- ►Relative X
- ►Relative Y
- ►Relative Z
Offset |
Offset the frame relative to is current position |
- ►In
- ►Amount
- ►Units X
- ►Units Y
- ►Units Z
Rotate |
Rotate the frame around a world space point |
- ►In
- ►Amount
- ►Axis
- ►Centre
Scale |
Uniformly scale the frame relative to a point in world space |
Translate |
Move a frame by an amount in world space |
Dimensions |
Find the size of a frame |
Size |
Find the size of a frame |
Reorient |
Reorient the space inside a frame whilst leaving its bounds unchanged |
Diagonal |
Move a frame to sit on one of the diagonals |
FrameToWorldV |
Convert a position relative to a frame to absolute world position |
WorldToFrameV |
Convert an absolute world position into one relative to a frame |
Place Pivot |
Place an asset bounds relative to a frame according to pivot location within that frame |
- ►Bounds
- ►Frame
- ►Pivot
- ►Units X
- ►Units Y
- ►Units Z
- ►Scale
Intersects? |
Determine to what extent does a frame intersect another |
Get Axes |
Extract the three axis vectors that describe a frames orientation |
Set Axes |
Change the three axis vectors of a frame to explicitly give it a new orientation |
- ►Frame
- ►X Axis
- ►Y Axis
- ►Z Axis
Grid |
Create a list of sub-frames in a grid formation |
- ►Frame
- ►Spacing X
- ►Spacing Y
- ►Margin X
- ►Margin Y
- ►Stagger
- ►Options
Turn+ |
Turn a list of frames relative to a corner, edge, face, or centre |
- ►Frames
- ►Amount
- ►Axis
- ►Relative X
- ►Relative Y
- ►Relative Z
- ►Variation
- ►#
Offset+ |
Offset a list of frames relative to their current positions |
- ►Frames
- ►Amount
- ►Units X
- ►Units Y
- ►Units Z
- ►Variation
- ►#
Resize+ |
Resize a list of frames relative to their current size |
- ►Frames
- ►Amount
- ►Units X
- ►Units Y
- ►Units Z
- ►Relative X
- ►Relative Y
- ►Relative Z
- ►Variation
- ►Linking
- ►#
Cull+ |
Filter a list of frames by whether their XY centres lie inside a polygonal shape |
Mask+ |
Filter a list of frames by whether they meet the required threshold intensity of a sample from where their XY centres lie on a mask image (relative to a bounding frame) |
- ►Frames
- ►Image
- ►Threshold
- ►Dither
- ►#
- ►Frame
Path To Frame |
Obtain a (unit) frame at a position along a shape path |
- ►In
- ►Amount
- ►Units
- ►Align Along
- ►Align Across
- ►Options
- ►Default Up
Warp+ |
Map multiple frames from their XY position first onto one path and then onto another |
- ►Frames
- ►X Path
- ►X Units
- ►X Align Along
- ►X Align Across
- ►X Options
- ►X Default Up
- ►Y Path
- ►Y Units
- ►Y Align Along
- ►Y Align Across
- ►Y Options
- ►Y Default Up
- Frames►
- X Length►
- Y Length►
Length |
Calculate the length of a path |
Image |
Create a new image |
- ►Size
- ►Precision
- ►Channels
- ►Flags
Picture |
Create a new framed picture (has a implied world space location and size) |
- ►Frame
- ►Horizontal
- ►Vertical
- ►Precision
- ►Channels
- ►Flags
Clear |
Clear an image to a single colour/alpha |
Dimensions |
Find the size of an image |
- Width►
- Height►
- Size►
- Bounds►
Info |
Find full image format and dimension information |
- Channels►
- Colour?►
- Mono?►
- Alpha?►
- HDR?►
Blob |
Create a circular blob image with a soft edge |
- ►Size
- ►Radius
- ►Feather
- ►Profile
- ►Colour
- ►Opacity
- ►Type
Noise |
Create a monochrome noise image |
- ►Section
- ►Size
- ►Origin
- ►Scale
- ►Amplitude
- ►Iterations
- ►Falloff
- ►Factor
- ►Radius
Copy |
Create an exact copy of an image. Needed if you want to apply separate operations to an image. |
Line |
Draw a line on an image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Start
- ►End
- ►Colour
Rectangle |
Draw a filled rectangle on an image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Bounds
- ►Colour
- ►Opacity
Ellipse |
Draw a filled ellipse on an image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Bounds
- ►Colour
- ►Opacity
Polygon |
Draw a filled polygon on an image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Polygon
- ►Holes
- ►Colour
- ►Opacity
Sample |
Sample a pixel colour from an image |
Brightness |
Modify the image brightness |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Brightness
Contrast |
Modify the image contrast |
Blur |
Blur the image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Amount
- ►Options
Clamp |
Clamp the image values |
Range |
Remap the image values from one range to another |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►In Min
- ►In Max
- ►Out Min
- ►Out Max
- ►Clamp
Dilate |
Dilate the image |
Erode |
Erode the image |
Invert |
Invert the image values |
Mirror |
Mirror or flip the image |
Quantize |
Quantize the image |
Sharpen |
Sharpen the image |
Shift |
Shift the image horizontally or vertically |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►X
- ►Y
- ►Edge
Swap |
Swap two channels of the image |
Randomize |
Add random noise to the image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►#
- ►Amount
- ►Type
Composite |
Composite one image over another optionally using a mask |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Offset
- ►Image
- ►ImageArea
- ►Mode
- ►Amount
- ►Mask
- ►MaskArea
Colourise |
Apply a colour gradient to a monochrome image |
- ►ModelSegment
- ►Gradient
- ►Alpha?
Combine |
Combine colour and alpha images into single four channel image |
Region |
Construct a rectangular image region from float values |
Region |
Construct a rectangular image region from integer values |
Valid? |
Check floating point number for valid numeric values. Infinite, sub-normal, or NaN are considered bad. |
True? |
Asserts a condition is true, passing success out. False fails synthesis with provided message. |
False? |
Asserts a condition is false, passing success out. True fails synthesis with provided message. |
True? |
Asserts a condition is true before passing data through. False fails synthesis with provided message. |
Log! |
Adds a text message to the log file when this operator is evaluated. |
Log! |
Adds a text message to the log file when this operator is evaluated. |
Log! |
Adds a text message to the log file when this operator is evaluated. |
Count |
How many items in a list? |
Append |
Append an integer to a list |
Append |
Append a floating point number to a list |
Append |
Append a boolean to a list |
Append |
Append a colour to a list |
Append |
Append a vector to a list |
Append |
Append a string to a list |
Append |
Append a list to a list (NOTE: appended as a single item) |
Append |
Append a frame to a list |
Insert |
Insert an integer into a list |
Insert |
Insert a floating point number into a list |
Insert |
Insert a boolean into a list |
Insert |
Insert a colour into a list |
Insert |
Insert a vector into a list |
Insert |
Insert a string into a list |
Insert |
Insert a list into a list (NOTE: inserted as a single item) |
Insert |
Insert a frame into a list |
Get |
Obtain the integer value at a given index in a list |
Get |
Obtain the floating point value at a given index in a list |
Get |
Obtain the boolean value at a given index in a list |
Get |
Obtain the colour at a given index in a list |
Get |
Obtain the vector at a given index in a list |
Get |
Obtain the string at a given index in a list |
Get |
Obtain the list value at a given index in a list (NOTE: references the list originally added) |
Get |
Obtain the frame at a given index in a list |
Set |
Replace an integer in a list |
Set |
Replace a floating point number in a list |
Set |
Replace a boolean in a list |
Set |
Replace a colour in a list |
Set |
Replace a vector in a list |
Set |
Replace a string in a list |
Set |
Replace a list in a list (NOTE: set as a single item) |
Set |
Replace a frame in a list |
Concatenate |
Concatenate multiple lists of elements together into a single list of elements? |
Reverse |
Reverse the order of all the elements in a list |
Add |
Adds two numbers together |
Add |
Adds two numbers together |
Add |
Adds two vectors together |
Div |
Divides one number by another |
Div |
Divides one number by another |
Log10 |
Common Logarithm (base 10) |
Log2 |
Binary Logarithm (base 2) |
Log |
Logarithm of specific base |
Power10 |
Raise 10 to a given power |
Power2 |
Raise 2 to a given power |
PowerN |
Raise e to a given power |
Power |
Raise a number to a power |
Sqrt |
Take the square root of a value |
Multiply |
Multiplies two numbers together |
Multiply |
Multiplies two numbers together |
Multiply |
Scales a vector by a float value |
Subtract |
Subtracts one number from another |
Subtract |
Subtracts one number from another |
Subtract |
Subtracts one vector from another |
NormaliseV3 |
Normalise a 3D vector to make it unit length |
FracF |
Obtain fractional part of a number |
FloorF |
Round down to integer value |
CeilingF |
Round up to integer value |
Abs |
Absolute integer value |
Abs |
Absolute floating-point value |
Min |
Minimum of two floating point values |
Max |
Maximum of two floating point values |
Min |
Minimum of two integer values |
Max |
Maximum of two integer values |
Clamp |
Clamp a value to be within a given range |
Clamp |
Clamp a value to be within a given range |
Spread |
Produce values either side of the input value by a given amount |
Spread |
Produce values either side of the input value by a given amount |
Merge Ranges |
Combine arbitrary list of numerical ranges into a list of non-overlapping ordered ranges |
Random |
Generate a random number in a given range |
Random |
Generate a random number in a given range |
Twist |
Switches the random stream sequence to avoid duplication when sub-dividing procedures with similar content |
Cube |
Builds a cube within a frame |
- ►Where?
- ►Faces
- ►X Slices
- ►Y Slices
- ►Z Slices
Cylinder |
Builds a cylinder within a frame |
- ►Where?
- ►Segments
- ►Rings
- ►Slices
- ►Faces
Grid |
Builds a grid |
- ►Origin
- ►Horizontal Axis
- ►Vertical Axis
- ►Columns
- ►Rows
Sheet |
Builds a flat rectangular sheet within a frame |
- ►Where?
- ►X Slices
- ►Y Slices
Colour Sheet |
Builds a pre-painted flat rectangular sheet within a frame |
- ►Where?
- ►BL Colour
- ►BR Colour
- ►TL Colour
- ►TR Colour
- ►X Slices
- ►Y Slices
Colour Triangle |
Builds a pre-painted triangle between three (clockwise) points, optionally with back-face |
- ►Corner A
- ►Corner B
- ►Corner C
- ►Colour A
- ►Colour B
- ►Colour C
- ►Back?
Heightmap |
Builds a rectangular sheet within a frame using an image to control elevation in Z. Note that the edge pixels aren't included in the generated mesh as they are needed for correct normal calculation. |
- ►Where?
- ►Heightmap
- ►Colourmap
Sphere |
Builds a sphere within a frame |
- ►Where?
- ►Segments
- ►Slices
Polygon |
Builds a flat (XY) polygon from a list of vertices |
Extrude |
Extrude an polygon along the +Z axis creating side and end faces as required |
- ►Vertices
- ►Holes
- ►Amount
- ►Faces
- ►Mapping U
- ►Mapping V
- ►Smoothing
Loft |
Loft a polygonal shape along a polygonal path |
- ►Shape
- ►Shape Flags
- ►Shape Smoothing
- ►Shape Tiling
- ►Path
- ►Path Flags
- ►Path Smoothing
- ►Path Tiling
- ►Scaling
- ►Scaling Flags
Resolve |
Look up resource information (placement identifier and bounds) |
- ►Descriptor
- ►Temp Bounds
- ►Variant
Resolve+ |
Look up resource information for all variants (list of placement identifier and bounds structures) |
Place |
Place a resource instance within a given bounds |
- ►ID
- ►Where?
- ►Block
- ►Parameters
Place+ |
Place multiple resource instances within a number of bounds |
- ►Resources
- ►Where?
- ►Align X
- ►Align Y
- ►Align Z
- ►Scale X
- ►Scale Y
- ►Scale Z
- ►#
- ►Parameters
Make Texture |
Assign an image to a dynamic texture resource |
Line |
Appends a line segment to a shape vertex list |
- ►In
- ►Frame
- ►Units
- ►Vertices
- ►Start
- ►End
Arc |
Appends an arc to a shape vertex list |
- ►In
- ►Frame
- ►Units
- ►Vertices
- ►Centre
- ►Start
- ►Angle
- ►Steps
- ►Curve
Ellipse |
Generates an ellipse shape |
- ►Frame
- ►Units
- ►Centre
- ►Width
- ►Height
- ►Steps
- ►Curve
Rectangle |
Generates a rectangle shape |
- ►Frame
- ►Units
- ►Centre
- ►Width
- ►Height
- ►Radius Units
- ►Radius
- ►Steps
- ►Curve
Curve |
Appends a quadratic Bezier curve segment to a shape vertex list |
- ►In
- ►Frame
- ►Units
- ►Vertices
- ►Start
- ►Handle 1
- ►Handle 2
- ►End
- ►Steps
- ►Curve
Filter |
Filter contiguous segments of a path/shape/poly or list of paths/shapes/polys according to some criteria and optionally sort into one of two lists |
- ►Shape
- ►Length Filter
- ►Length Threshold
Convert |
Generate a string representation of a number |
Convert |
Parse a string representation of a number back to a numeric value |
Convert |
Generate a string representation of a number |
Convert |
Parse a string representation of a floating-point number back to a numeric value |
Convert |
Generate a hex string representation of a number |
Uppercase |
Convert a string to upper-case |
Lowercase |
Convert a string to lower-case |
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate |
Concatenate strings together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Concatenate Lines |
Concatenate lines together |
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
- ►String
Length |
Finds the length of a string |
Is Empty |
Is the string empty? |
- ►String
- ►Ignore Whitespace?
At |
Look up the character at a given index |
Split |
Splits a string into three parts by positions |
Find First |
Search for a string within another string, find it's index |
- ►Text
- ►Find
- ►Case?
- ►Start
Find Last |
Search backwards for a string within another string, find it's index |
- ►Text
- ►Find
- ►Case?
- ►Start
Replace |
Replace all occurances of a string within a string with another |
- ►In
- ►Find
- ►Replace
- ►Case?
If Empty |
If this string empty, replace it with an alternative. Useful for providing defaults. |
- ►In
- ►Ignore Whitespace?
- ►Default
Pi |
The trigonometrical constant 'Pi' (Tau/2) |
Tau |
The trigonometrical constant 'Tau' (2xPi) |
RadToDeg |
Convert radians to degrees |
DegToRad |
Convert degrees to radians |
ArcSin |
Arc-sine of a value |
ArcCos |
Arc-cos of a value |
ArcTan |
Arc-tangent of a gradient |
ArcTan2 |
Calculate angle between +X axis and a point at X,Y, positive above X axis, negative below |
DistanceV3 |
Distance between two points |
RotateV3 |
Rotate a position vector around the origin |